...Comfort & Security Issue
Softback Zine printed in greyscale on fluorescent pink paper, staple bound.
A5 size containing 16 printed pages. Pearl grey/pink cover with 2 glitter shapes.
Issue two: Brighton 2007, edition size of fifty.
The second outing for the Damp Research Laboratory - once the staff were hastily re-hired.
Marvel at the Negativity Negator; find out why "NO" is better than "yes".
Ever wondered why everything is always out of order? Let the Entropy-Go-Round inform you.
How useful is Vitamin O? And another incite Masked-Cat truism for your delectation..
To view this zine in more detail follow this link:
...Meanwhile, Future Fantasteek!, Issue One, has just joined 3 new collections,
- The Mansfield Library - Zine Collection, at the University of Montana-Missoula, USA,
- the Papercut Zine Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- The zine collection at the University of Austin, Texas, USA.