Saturday, 1 July 2006

Future Fantasteek! Issue No.1


...Things You Need Issue
Softback Zine printed in greyscale on flourescent lime paper, staple bound.
A5 size containing 16 printed pages, with a flexible clear-multilens pvc cover.
Issue one: Brighton 2006, edition size of fifty.

This Zine is full of eveything that’s wrong with modern living, modern people and going to work. It’s a mixture of hand-drawn typographic slogans and advice with curious advertisements thrown in for good measure. Buy an Evil-Pet or a machine for generating Stupid Ideas. The Damp Flat Research Facilities have wasted no time in bringing you the most up to date advice along with plausible excuses that can be profered for any event.
Things you need and things you don’t - if you can’t tell ‘em apart... YOU NEED THIS ZINE

Future Fantasteek Issue 1 can be viewed here:

Or you can flick through it on